Farmers’ Market Saturday 4/9/16

Fresh, local & unique — find it at the Farmers' Market in Canandaigua.  Every other Saturday November-May, 10am-11am, behind The Dalai Java & Byrne Dairy. Is this email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Winter…Spring Po-tay-to…Po-tah-to Let's just say… It's Market Weekend!   During the Winter season (November-May) the market moves to the Antis

Farmers’ Market Saturday 3/26/16

Fresh, local & unique — find it at the Farmers' Market in Canandaigua.  Every other Saturday November-May, 10am-11am, behind The Dalai Java & Byrne Dairy. Is this email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. It's SPRING!!  And full of sunshine!   During the Winter season (November-May) the market moves to the Antis St. lot

Farmers’ Market Saturday 3/12/16

Fresh, local & unique — find it at the Farmers' Market in Canandaigua.  Every other Saturday November-May, 10am-11am, behind The Dalai Java & Byrne Dairy. Is this email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Some of the sweetest weekends are almost upon us, 3/19-3/20 and 4/2-4/3.  Visiting a local sugarbush and saphouse is a

Farmers’ Market Saturday 1/30/16

Fresh, local & unique — find it at the Farmers' Market in Canandaigua.  Every other Saturday November-May, 10am-11am, behind The Dalai Java & Byrne Dairy. Is this email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Very comfortable weather this weekend, so come Shop Local! And we're excited that Kitchen Blessings & Nordic Farm Jams both