Fresh, local & unique — find it at the Farmers' Market in Canandaigua. Every Saturday June-October, 8:30-12:30 under the Mill Street pavilion just off Main Street.
Not only are the sun and moon aligning but this is the time of year when so many harvest schedules align it leaves the market absolutely bursting with goodness!
(Disclaimer: The above graphic is from Ontario, Canada so similar to our offerings but not exact. Find a NY Harvest calendar here. The NY is also a great calendar, just not as graphically appealing as our northern neighbors'!)
Find out more about all of the market offerings below!
 Every Saturday June-October. Canandaigua Farmers Market under the Mill Street pavilion 8:30am-12:30pm
This Saturday:
- Rise and Shine Bread will have English Muffin bread, Asiago Ciabatta, Focaccia, Honey Wheat, Raisin, Beer bread and sweet breads
- Riedman Happy Hives will be at market with honeycomb and our usual variety of sizes of our Spring and Fall honey harvest. Buzz on by and say hi.
- Mrs. Brake's Spices etc. are bringing Spices in different size packages, also some new Spice Blends made "in House"!
- Stony Brook Wholehearted Foods has the freshest pumpkin seed oil and butternut squash seed oil available (perhaps anywhere!). We roasted and crushed 1500 pounds of seed this week and bringing it Saturday!
- From Wohlschlegel's Naples Maple Farm:
Maple Mustard
Pure NYS Maple Syrup Flavors: *Golden* *Amber* *Dark* *Very Dark*
Maple Cream Spread, Granulated Maple Sugar, Maple Garlic Rub, Maple Mustard
Maple Coffee, Maple Tea, Wheat Free Oatmeal-Maple Dog Treats
Soft & Hard Sugar Shapes, Maple Granola
Body Care Products: Maple – Vanilla: Soap, Lotion, Lip Balm
- Peacemaker Brewing Company will have our "Shadyside" Stout, & our "Four Riders Behind Me" session IPA.
- This week Meant to be Meadows will have fresh turkey cuts available breast, legs, thighs & wings, we will have whole chickens & half chickens as well. We will also be taking orders for fresh thanksgiving turkeys. Get yours reserved before they are sold out!!
- Fresh Ayr Farm will be at market this Saturday with our “super sweet” corn for your eating pleasure! Look for us at the south end again, under our pop up next to the food truck. Pat, the food truck chef, may even have some of our delicious sweet corn on the grill! We are taking orders for corn to freeze or for your summer parties at $15 for 4 1/2 dozen ears a considerable savings over the per dozen price. Hope to see you Saturday.
- Howell Farm – Heirloom Tomatoes including German Johnson, Cherokee Purple, and Striped German, Shandong Variety Garlic Braids, German Red bulb ties, 1/2 lb and 1 lb bags of Garlic, Cucumbers, Summer Squash, Zucchini, Jalapeños, Swiss Chard, Cherry Peppers, Lipstick Peppers, Eggplant, Basil, Super Sweet Cherry and Golden Cherry Tomatoes
- Amber Reifsteck will have a few mixed flower bouquets and lots of sunflower bunches.
- Fisher Hill Farm will have sweet corn, green & yellow beans, bunched beets with greens, zucchini, summer squash, spring onions, scallions, large sweet onions, green garlic, garlic scapes, radishes, swiss chard, kale and head lettuces. Carrots, onions, and potatoes too. FRESH whole chickens, FRESH whole duck, free-range eggs (chicken & duck) and Red Jacket juices also available.
- Tripleberry Farm will have our pesticide-free blueberries (it’s the last week for them), fall strawberries and blackberries. I will also have our traditional and reduced sugar jams. Jam of the week is fresh Peach.
We have even more vendors than just those listed above in detail, come see what's happening! We're excited to celebrate our 16th season with monthly events and weekly smiles!
Thank you for your support of local farmers and small scale food processors!
Copyright © 2017 Canandaigua Farmer’s Market, All rights reserved. This email list was complied by email lists from various vendors as well as sign up sheets placed at the Canandaigua Farmers’ Market. We hope that you would like to continue to receive these weekly emails but if you would rather not receive emails from the Canandaigua Farmers’ Market in the future please use the Unsubscribe feature. Our mailing address is: