Autumn officially arrived this week, but the “summer” market is far from over. We remain under the pavilion through the end of October.
This Saturday:
Hunt Heritage Farm is bringing our beautiful heirloom tomatoes, a mixed variety of heirloom cherry tomatoes, Yukon gold potatoes, German white garlic, mountaineer bell peppers, habanada ( heatless habanero pepper), a mixed variety of hot peppers, kale, rainbow Swiss chard, free range chicken eggs, maple syrup, and we are still taking pre orders for our non-gmo fed pasture raised pork.
Wohlschlegel’s Naples Maple Farm will have:
🍁 Bourbon Barrel Aged Maple Syrup
🍁 Bourbon Barrel Aged COFFEE INFUSED Maple Syrup
🍁 HUCKLEBERRY Infused Maple Syrup
🍁Maple BBQ Sauce
🍁Maple Coated
Almonds : Cashews : Pecans
🍁Traditional, Cinnamon & Raspberry Maple Cream Spread
Pure NYS Maple Syrup
*Golden* *Amber*
*Dark* *Very Dark*
Granulated Maple Sugar
Maple Garlic Rub
Maple Mustard
Maple Coffee
Maple Tea
Wheat Free Oatmeal-Maple
Dog Treats
Soft & Hard Sugar Candy
Riedman Happy Hives will be buzzing back at market with the sweet stuff – Spring and Fall honey in a variety of sizes!
Stop by and pick up some!!!
Ms. Linzy’s Mac-n-cheese is bringing Original and Monterey Bergenost bacon “ Hot and Ready” along with cookie topped brownies, Freezer Friends and Ms. Linzy Merchandise.
I will not be at the market on October 2nd.
The Woodland Elf is bringing out the fall stuff: flowered gourds, broomcorn wreaths and swags, and hopefully bittersweet bunches if I have time to cut it. It’s a low flower week, so might already be sold out unless there’s a cancellation. Will also have beewax candles and photo greeting cards.
Kitchen Blessings Baking will gave Frosted Pumpkin cookies and Apple Spice cookies along with all the other favorites.
We’ll also have Peach Cobbler Muffins.
The pies will be: Apple, Fruits of the Forest, and Concord Grape.
Don’t forget the jams & jellies like our favorite Autumn Apple-Pear jam.
K&S Bischoping will have lots of apples. The perfect crunchy snack!
Mrs. Brake’s Spices:
ONLY at Mrs. Brake’s Spices- Freshly made in small batches guarantees fresh flavor spice Blends every time! I do NOT use anti-caking agents, so no junk either, just Amazing Flavor!
Baking emulsions, did you know they taste better and last longer? That’s because it’s mostly a water-based product unlike extracts which is alcohol based and can go pungent quickly.
Mrs. Brake’s Own Blends, Perfect for mixing with condiments or whatever you can dream up! Infused Sugar, everyday spices like oregano, parsley and SO MUCH MORE!
Look on mrsbrakes.com, then call the store at 585-869-5251 to pre-order or email me at mrsbrakesspices@gmail.com (before 4pm on Friday) and I will bring your selection to the market with me!
Have a Great day and see you Saturday!
*** Elsewhere Farms and Carney Agri Farm will be absent from the market this week.