At The Market

We’re only half way through the summer market season, and there’s plenty of summer bounty to be had. And nothing is quite so satisfying as a summer meal made from fresh, locally grown foods.

We are excited to announce that the Canandaigua Farmers’ Market was nominated in the top 5 Best Farmer’s Market of the Finger Lakes category in the Community’s Choice Awards. We’d love your help to get to #1! Click here to visit the voting page.

This Saturday:

Clearview Farm will have Dragon tongue beans, zucchini and yellow squash, dill, mugwort, watercress, Clearview Farm and Heiden Valley Farm grass-grown and finished Angus beef (no grain, antibiotics or hormones), certified organic dry beans from Seneca Grain and Bean

Thai By Night will have:
Curry Pouches ( red & green )
Peanut Sauce
Thai Jars ( chili oil, dried chilies, chilies fish sauce )
Moo Ping
Pork & Shrimp Shu Mai
Summer Rolls ( shrimp or Tofu)
Spring Rolls
Lemongrass Chicken Sandwich
Roasted Pork Sandwich
Thai Tea
Surprise Dessert
All in limited Supply

Dr. Bessette Naturals will be bringing a dozen of my handmade lemongrass massage bars. Uniquely shaped with lemongrass essential oil. Only $8 per bar.

Mrs. Brake’s Spices is so excited to have:
·       Back in the store Cinnamon Roll Pizzelles and Maple Bourbon Pizzelles. Will be at the market with us!
·       Baking Emulsions will be on sale to make room for new flavors!
·        Tea time gift basket. A loose-leaf tea paired with an infused sugar and reusable tea bag.
Ask about class “Inspiring Young Chefs” Only at Mrs. Brake’s. For every young chef in your life.
I will have August and Ice cream work shop and menu with sign up!
Extra TIPS
·        Pizzelle cookies may be enjoyed instantly or frozen for up to 2 months for fresh flavor. Enjoy with coffee or hot chocolate
·        Baking emulsions may be used in the same way any extract can be used. Use a 1-1 ratio, plus they last so much longer than an extract.
Remember to Call & order, so your favorites will be ready or take time to look on for inventory, then please call the store at 585-869-5251 to pre-order and I will bring your selection to the market with me!

Cloud Forest Farm will have:
NEW: Shade garden special: pagoda dogwood, northern spicebush, white wood aster, large-leaved aster, zigzag goldenrod, smooth Solomon’s seal, wild ginger, downy yellow violet, wild blue phlox
Fruit Bushes: Raspberry, Blueberry, cranberry, goji berry, black raspberry, honeyberry, and strawberry plants
Fruit and Nut Seedlings: Serviceberry, butternut, Chicago hardy fig, and hazelnut
Native Perennials: Northern blue flag iris, shrubby cinquefoil, anise hyssop, giant blue lobelia, scarlet bee balm, blue vervain, eastern red columbine, New England aster, butterfly weed

The Woodland Elf is sold out of sunflowers this week, but may have a few mixed bouquets available. Will also have photo greeting cards, and beeswax candles.

Kitchen Blessings Baking will have many kinds of cookies. Frosted Zucchini cookies will be back, as well as Lemon-Lavender Drops.
Scones will be Blueberry 🫐.
Pies will be Peach, Fruits of the Forest,  and French Coconut 🥥
There are MANY kinds of jams and jellies available.
Unique flavors such as: Quince, Currant, Gooseberry and more.
The new jelly this week is Elderberry.

Schraders Acres will have lots of $5 ground beef and $4 beef patties. We very rarely do sales, but our overstock is your gain! Short Ribs are 50% off this Saturday only and come with a recipe card. If you want steaks, please let me know ahead of time, our selection is slim. Call/text (315) 406-5491 or email See you Saturday!

Seneca Vegetables will have sweet corn, melons, garlic, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, herbs, potted plants at discount prices, and flower bouquets.
Also, the first of the glads are ready.


*** Riedman Happy Hives, Ms. Linzy’s Mac-n-cheese, The Fairville Baker, and FLX Popcorn won’t be at market this week, but will return next week.
Black Squirrel Farms will return to the market on September 2nd. Order can be placed on our website or by emailing . We offer FREE on-site pick up!

Family Friendly Event Schedule:
September 9    Balloon Animal Day
October 7         Scavenger Hunt
October 28       Trick or Treat

We have even more vendors than just those listed above in detail, come see what’s happening! 
We’re excited to celebrate our 22nd season!