Farm fresh, local goods year-round at the Canandaigua Farmers Market |
 We hope you have a very merry time at the market this week! This will be our last market before Christmas (and then we’ll have another on the 29th, right before the New Year), so stop by and let us help you get ready for your holiday gatherings.
Here’s a sneak peek of vendor offerings for this Saturday.
- Rise and Shine Bread will have English Muffin bread, Asiago Ciabatta, Focaccia, Honey Wheat and sweet breads,
- Kitchen Blessings will be having our annual cookie event this Saturday. We will have boxes of decorated Christmas cookies and mixed bags of shortbreads & gingerbread cookies decorated and ready to give for gifts or to just take home and enjoy! There will also be 1/2 lb. packages of Rum Balls & Bourbon Balls. I HOPE to have the homemade marshmallows which are so wonderful for treats and gifts.
This will be the last week for the jam sale. There are many great old fashioned flavors available. Of course we will have Cinnamon Rolls as well. There will be no pies this week unless you have ordered ahead.
I will not see you again until the first January market. I would like to thank ALL of my customers for a wonderful market season. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Wohlschlegel’s Naples Maple Farm has:
Bourbon Barrel Aged Maple Syrup
Maple BBQ Sauce
Maple Coated
Almonds Cashews Pecans
Traditional, Cinnamon & Raspberry Maple Cream Spread
Maple Mustard
Pure NYS Maple Syrup
*Golden* *Amber*
*Dark* *Very Dark*
Granulated Maple Sugar
Maple Garlic Rub
Maple Mustard
Maple Coffee
Maple Tea
Wheat Free Oatmeal-Maple
Dog Treats
Soft & Hard Sugar Shapes
Maple Granola
Body Care Products:
Maple – Vanilla:
Soap, Lotion, Lip Balm
- K&S Bischoping will have Jonagold, Gold Delicious, Crispin and Empire. Great for all your cooking needs for the holidays!! This will be their final week at the market for this season.
- Ox Creek will have many cuts of pork and lamb on hand as well as whole chicken, honey, chicken and duck eggs, as well as our wool products.
- Amber Reifsteck will have more Christmas greenery swags, beeswax tapers, and Star Wars soaps. This will be her last market until the spring flowers return
- Bristol Mushrooms will have Lion’s Mane and Shiitake mushrooms this week, always certified 100% Organic. We are also offering our new Brain Booster Powder! Get all the health and mental benefits of Lion’s Mane by adding to your smoothie or use alone to make a delicious mushroom tea! Don’t forget to try our Brain Booster Lion’s Mane Coffee, a smart start to your day.
- Riedman Happy Hives will be at market this week with our local honey in a variety of sizes including some Ho Ho. Holiday gifts that are sure to sweeten the holiday for anyone on your list!
- Bedient Farms The crew at Bedient Farms looks forward to seeing you at the Holiday Market! We will have all of your pre-ordered Prime Rib Roasts, Hams, Tenderloins and Legs of Lamb! Be sure to contact us to get on the list or come shop our fully-stocked selection. Don’t forget bacon, sausage, steaks, burgers and roasts for all the holiday company in your home. Also if you’re looking for last minute gift ideas, grab a Bedient Farms Gift Card for any amount! We hope you have a wonderful holiday season and are honored to be a part of the special meals that you will serve and enjoy!
- Andy’s Specialty Garlic and Produce we will have Certified Organic salad mix, carrots, sweet potatoes, pea and sunflower shoots, red and yellow potatoes, beets, onions, napa cabbage, green cabbage, and bunched green kale.
- Finger Lakes Food Cart will be at market selling mustards.
- My Little Farm will Be at market with
*Frozen turkeys for Christmas * Ground Turkey for your Chili *All the chicken you need. * A lot of different Turkey products
More vendors are also expected, just not sure on their exact product selections!
10am-11am Nov 3, 17 Dec 1, 15, 29 Jan 12, 26 Feb 9, 23 March 9, 23 April 6, 20 May 4, 18
Antis Street Lot South Main Street Behind Byrne Dairy
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