Everyone wants to get outside to enjoy this beautiful weather and so how lucky for our customers that we are always outside! (It’s just far more enjoyable this weekend than it was in mid-January!) We know you are already dreaming up ways to spend your first May Saturday but please make sure to schedule a visit to the Farmers Market!
Find us now through May, in our Winter Home, behind the Main Street Byrne Dairy. We set up every other Saturday 10am-11am to bring you the best in local food choices.
Here’s a few sneak peaks on vendor offerings for this Saturday:
- Fisher Hill Farm has bok choy, microgreens, pea & sunflower shoots, potatoes, carrots, onions, parsnips, beets, kohlrabi, turnips and more. Eggs, whole chicken & duck, Red Jacket juices and local apples as well.
- Wohlschlegel’s Naples Maple Farm will unfortunately not be at the market this week due to travel plans but will return on 5/19.
- Ox Creek will have cuts of lamb and pork as well as whole chicken and our selection of yarn spun from the wool in our flock.
Additionally we are taking orders for whole/half lamb and pork. We are also reintroducing our chicken CSA package this year. Stop by and ask us for details!
- Amber Reifsteck will have a couple small bouquets, beeswax tapers, and a batch of rainbow soaps.
- Kitchen Blessings will be at market this Saturday with lots of fresh baked goodies! We’ll have cookies and cinnamon rolls. The 6″ pies will be Cherry & Fruits of the Forest. Hannah will be making 2 kinds of muffins: Chocolate Chip and Rhubarb Crumb.
We’ll have 3 kinds of fresh granola including the popular Coconut.
And, don’t forget the homemade jams & jellies. This week’s new batches include: Strawberry, Irish Rhubarb, and Sour Cherry Bourbon.
- Rise and Shine Bread will have English Muffin bread, Asiago Ciabatta, Focaccia, Honey Wheat
- Bedient Farms will have a full stock of cuts available but for faster service and more assured product availability your best option is to send us a message with a pre-order. Visit our website at www.bedientfarmsnaturalbeef.com/ for specifics.
More vendors are also expected, just not sure on their exact product selections!